I'm sorry, I just like him.
This pic will be in the reference I'm making. I wanted to draw him in his full armor with weapons, but I'll do that later.
He had a harsh life, now he works as a mechanic on Mel's ship, Delirium. After many decades of wandering, fighting for entertainment, working as a bounty hunter and bodyguard, finding a place that he can temporarily call home is a big deal. It's not like his life's more pleasant now, but he likes fun. And "fun" means exploring the galaxy and fighting all kinds of things and constantly being in danger, I guess. But that's the life he got used to.
Either way, he may look scary, but he's really not that bad, once you get to know him. Sure, his behavior is influenced by the fact that he's a big predator, so he can be aggressive and rude, but still...
Also, he dislikes most other species, but only because he sees them as weak and squishy and silly. Still, he enjoys Mel's company and in time he got used to other members of her crew and having him around became much more pleasant.
His weapons of choice are guns. Big guns.
Пика пойдет на референс, вначале хотела нарисовать с броней и оружием, но это потом.
Да, опять он, что поделать? Мне нравится его рисовать.
З.Ы - прошу прощения за задержки с трейдами и прочим, я временно работаю, и у меня семь рабочих дней на неделе с утра до позднего вечера.
Перс мой.
Character is (c) me
Ssi-Ruuk species (c) StarWars whoever created them.