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The heartwood

The heartwood of antigone. Stage for the next volume of my comic :
English version : [link]
Version française : [link]
6 hours of work Image may be NSFW.
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(edit thank for the DD !! )


Ca fait longtemps que je voulais me mettre à dessiner ce lieu, c'est l'un des décors que vous retrouverez dans le tome 2 des Voisins du Chaos. C'est au cœur du bois d'antigone, pas loin de la demeure de Léthan.
Pour faire ce décors, j'ai du casser plein de vieille statues que j'ai acheté pas chers à l'office du tourisme grecque. Comme ils sont ruinés, ils bradent tout leur bibelots touristiques.

Je reçois ces derniers temps beaucoup de courrier de lecteur pour me demander ce que devient Hikarion depuis qu'ils ne s'occupe plus des aplats de ma BD.
Et bien, le pauvre ne va pas fort, malgré le fait qu'ils soit devenu multimillionaire après m'avoir fait un procès pour l'avoir rémunéré avec des fausse pièces en chocolat. C'était du chocolat blanc et il exigeait du praliné.

Mais malgré nos différents, ma présence lui manque beaucoup. Il m'écrit souvent pour me dire qu'il regrette tous ces merveilleux moments passé ensemble lorsque que je l’emmenait faire des tours de manèges au jardin des plantes.
Depuis, Hikarion noit son chagrin dans le chocolat : [link]
Ça a au moins le mérite d'être spectaculaire.

D'ailleurs en parlant de performance, suite à la vague de froid le transformateur EDF du quartier de mon atelier a pété et nous avons été privés de courant pendant deux jours. Au moment où je vous écrit je suis en train de pédaler pour alimenter mon ordinateur et un de mes coloc d'atelier à mis ses mains au micro onde pour les réchauffer. Il sera donc possible que je mette un peu plus de temps que d'habitude à répondre aux messages.

Bon sinon je rappelle pour les toulousains, que demain à 19h à lieu le 10ème Café Créa au pub London Town, toutes les infos ici pour les intéressés : [link]

Anothers landscapes of the neigbors of chaos :

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The heartwood

The heartwood of antigone. Stage for the next volume of my comic :
English version : [link]
Version française : [link]
6 hours of work Image may be NSFW.
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(edit thank for the DD !! )


Ca fait longtemps que je voulais me mettre à dessiner ce lieu, c'est l'un des décors que vous retrouverez dans le tome 2 des Voisins du Chaos. C'est au cœur du bois d'antigone, pas loin de la demeure de Léthan.
Pour faire ce décors, j'ai du casser plein de vieille statues que j'ai acheté pas chers à l'office du tourisme grecque. Comme ils sont ruinés, ils bradent tout leur bibelots touristiques.

Je reçois ces derniers temps beaucoup de courrier de lecteur pour me demander ce que devient Hikarion depuis qu'ils ne s'occupe plus des aplats de ma BD.
Et bien, le pauvre ne va pas fort, malgré le fait qu'ils soit devenu multimillionaire après m'avoir fait un procès pour l'avoir rémunéré avec des fausse pièces en chocolat. C'était du chocolat blanc et il exigeait du praliné.

Mais malgré nos différents, ma présence lui manque beaucoup. Il m'écrit souvent pour me dire qu'il regrette tous ces merveilleux moments passé ensemble lorsque que je l’emmenait faire des tours de manèges au jardin des plantes.
Depuis, Hikarion noit son chagrin dans le chocolat : [link]
Ça a au moins le mérite d'être spectaculaire.

D'ailleurs en parlant de performance, suite à la vague de froid le transformateur EDF du quartier de mon atelier a pété et nous avons été privés de courant pendant deux jours. Au moment où je vous écrit je suis en train de pédaler pour alimenter mon ordinateur et un de mes coloc d'atelier à mis ses mains au micro onde pour les réchauffer. Il sera donc possible que je mette un peu plus de temps que d'habitude à répondre aux messages.

Bon sinon je rappelle pour les toulousains, que demain à 19h à lieu le 10ème Café Créa au pub London Town, toutes les infos ici pour les intéressés : [link]

Anothers landscapes of the neigbors of chaos :

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Other designs:

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A simple fashion design I did a while back while taking a break from redrawing 1000 Words for the book printing. Image may be NSFW.
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Ocelli refers to the eye spots on the butterfly wings that's used in automimicry.

In other news, I'm done with 1000 Words and if nothing goes wrong at the printer, it should be ready by Fanime Image may be NSFW.
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The book will also be available online. You can see a preview comparison of the old vs new drawings on my fb [link]
Also, I tend to upload some sketches that I don't post on dA (or just post them there weeks before sharing on dA) so if you don't want to wait, you can follow my Tumblr and Facebook

My Twitter

Drawn in Paint tool SAI
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Caught by an Ent

Old and tortuous beech trees in a deep fog. This one seemed to have a sort of arm coming down... it made me think of the Ents from Lord of the rings, so I tried an image close to the "arm" as if it was taking me.

Puy des Goules (Puy de Dôme), France

Don't hesitate to check out and share my facebook and website using the links below, they're new ! Thank you ! Image may be NSFW.
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Facebook | Wildscapes | 1x | 500px
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Pauldrons and Arm Braces

Pauldrons and Arm Braces
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Twili Form Midna Papercraft

I'm so excited to finally have this done! If you've finished Twilight Princess you will know what this is... A papercraft of Midna's true from!

Xenon really deserves most of the credit for the template, I rigged up the cloak and arms and he did most of the editing and unfolding. (With minor tweaks and suggestions by me) But he did a really great job! It was a relative dream to build for the size of it... 6 pages more than my previous biggest model!

It's 16 pages and about 49cm tall. The tricky parts are the fingers and the headdress decorations, and that really is it. Well, for the order that I built it in anyway. Image may be NSFW.
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It is necessary to have a fair amount of experience if you want to build it though - Don't try something you're not ready for, or you won't be happy with the results... Image may be NSFW.
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Get the template here: [link]
Notes, instructions etc. included in the download.

The Legend of Zelda, original 3D model and the character of Midna belong to Nintendo

Template by *XenonRay and me, to a lesser extent.

Photo by me, check out Xenon's superb one:
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Ah, a quick animation test for Machine!

Built in Photoshop! It started out as a doodle and suddenly turned into a loop gif!

Thank you all so much!♥♥♥
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Photoshop night actions

I promised to upload the action I made of this edit:
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Click on 'download file' to use it.
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Credit me if you use this action. (somewhere in your artists comments)

I would like to see it if you used this action!

Stock images used for examples:
[link] [link] [link]

More photoshop actions:
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Photoshop night actions - RENEWED

I promised to upload the photoshop action I made of this edit:
[link] - deviation 'blue night'. Free download Image may be NSFW.
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The actions are created with photoshop CS2 and should be used with photoshop CS versions only, I don't recommend other programs. These should work properly with photoshop CS2 or higher.
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Click on 'download file' to download these actions, after that you can install it and use it with photoshop.
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Credit me if you use this action, this is required. (somewhere in your artists comments) or somewhere in your credits page if you used these actions for an image outside deviantart.
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Do not download these actions to redistribute! Change them and upload them as your own resources.

Stocks used for examples: [link] and my own.

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What are photoshop actions:
Photoshop Actions are the recordings of commands that can be applied to one image or multiple images in photoshop. When you press play, it applies these recorded commands. These recorded commands are edit effects you can create in photoshop, think about changing the colors, adding more contrast or brightness. Using a photoshop action save a lot of time for the editing process of your photo.

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How to use and install photoshop actions:
I made a tutorial here: [link]

» More ps actions here «

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February girls

Wouldn't you want to put on all the clothes you have in February?
I designed these clothes with this thought in mind.

It was so cold there in Estonia, but now everything's slowly melting.
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Critique

Evolution of Vietnamese Clothing (and Ao Dai)

A few of my refs here: [link]

I love historical clothing and seeing how it evolves. I’ve longed to see the evolution of Vietnamese clothing but always came up empty handed due to lack of information... until now. I owe a lot of the references to the documentary “Searching for Vietnamese Clothing” (Đi tìm trang phục Việt) which impressively took the filmmaker’ 3 decades to research and sources from the Internet ([link] [link]). I created this timeline because as a visual person, I like to know how clothing changed by seeing it side by side.

I attempted to make a timeline with only primary references (i.e. paintings, sculptures, and photographs from that time period). I tried to stay true to the original sources’ as much as possible but I can’t say that this is completely accurate. A few art pieces were really hard to decipher (the sitting Buddhist statues in particular) and not being able to see them in person required me to take some educated guesses. I used my own color preferences with the statues that did not have color to reference from. Regrettably I had to skip a few early dynasties because artifacts of those eras seem to have been lost to time or I couldn't pinpoint the dating.

Continually a work in progress and more may be added.

Artist Observations:

*Due to approximately 1,000 years of various periods of Chinese domination and rule, dynastic Vietnamese clothing will inevitably share similar qualities with Han Chinese clothing (aka Hanfu). In particular, from 1407 to 1427 the Ming Dynasty took an extremely aggressive attempt to sinicize the country. Many cultural artifacts were destroyed and the natives were forced to wear Chinese clothing. Regardless, there are notable differences. Dong Son Culture (fig. 1) is the time period before any Han influence takes place.

* The colors and textile in Fig. 1 is largely hypothetical though I tried to draw the figure's clothing as accurately as I interpreted it. Looking at the artifacts that the Dong Son culture left behind, I can see that they were a very advanced civilization. Their works of art were very detailed and intricate, so I assumed that the textile their clothing would be just as ornate. I see current day Vietnamese clothing sharing quite a few elements with the ethnic tribes, and believe that ethnic minorities may have retained a possible link to the past. With the Dong Son culture also sharing a link to Tibeto-Burman culture, Dai culture, Mon-Khmer culture, I assumed that it would be okay to look at those cultures for inspiration for the textile/clothing fabric. I thought it might be similar to the long gone ancient Mayan civilization, whose influence in textile still survives in today's Guatemalan and Mexican cultures.

The pattern on her yellow sash thingy (words fail me, bah) came from an Ao Dai which coincidentally had a pattern that came from a Dong Son drum. Coming full circle here. Lol.

* On average, people wore 3-5 layers of clothing. The climate could be cold (e.g. the Northern regions) and 16-18th century scarves and gloves have been excavated. [link]

* Sleeves could reach to 40cm and were typically the length of chin to waist in the Le Dynasty.

* Skirts were banned in 1826 as they were deemed to be “unseemly bottomless pants”. Not all women followed suit as it was easier to work in skirts than pants.

* Buttoned up collars and buttoned clothing does not seem to appear until the late 18th century at the earliest. Interestingly this change seems to coincide with the advent of French Imperialism/Colonization. Collars started rather low but gradually got higher and closer together.

* The Ao Tu Than (Fig. 9, 10 and 12) is still around today but as it stopped evolving in the 20th century I decided to concentrate on the Ao Dai (Fig. 14-18).

* The conical rice hat (Fig. 17) was originally only worn by men (which can be seen in many photographs with Nguyen dynasty soldiers) and only became part of women’s wear sometime in the 20th century.

* Le Dynasty wins for being the most stylish and varied. Mac Dynasty for the prettiest. Just IMO.
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Wrapped in Bones

Another piece. This one is a combination of Zdzislaw Beksinski and the dementors.

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Ghost rider WIP

Ghost rider WIP

5hrs down the drain

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Ugh. I'm really so disappointed in this pic. It was supposed to be an example of the kind of illustration I'd want to do for an illustrated long-form novel for my Book Publishing class, but it kinda just fell apart. Nothing is rendered very well, I can't draw wings worth shit, I lost details in the long run and changed shit I shouldn't have changed, and it's almost completely brown and monochrome – which I just KNOW I'm going to get bitched at for. I am pretty much just angry at myself at this point. I don't even think I should get it printed for class.

I was Livestreaming this, but during the second half Procaster crashed and it corrupted the file. You can check out the video for the beginning and first half on my YouTube channel here: [link]

Art © Chance Parker 2012

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winter is going away II

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Model: me
fashion: me
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Draw this again: 2005 vs 2012

Celestial Commander Bolero - ELLIVEN!

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Photography: Sean Higgins of Shotography [link]
Model: Surgical-Steel (me)
Designer: Surgical-Steel (me)

Celestial Commander $120 AUstralian

This a taste of my new fashion Label ELLIVEN!
Its apart of my first range 'Reptillian Rage'
If you want to know more, check out the ELLIVEN fan page on FB.. and make sure you 'like' it =]

Q. 'whats in your chest?'
A. They're silicone implants which represent my favourite
crop circle.
...so please... stop asking =]
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